Kathleen Blogs

My roof is leaking.

Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 15, 2010

This post is really whiney and certainly not insightful.

Yesterday, I came home from classes and took a nap for a couple of hours before work, and when I returned four hours later, there was a leak directly above my bed. My computer was a little wet, but it still works fine due to some luck that I placed it further down my bed than I normally do.

This is an issue though, so I called the emergency number for my landlord only to discover it’s been disconnected. Awesome. I called my dad and he came down to see if there was anything he could do to try to at least stem the water flow. There wasn’t.

I woke up early this morning and called the business line about 15 times and left a ton of messages, but I still hadn’t heard back from anyone by 11:00, so I went to the office and finally found someone. I told her all the problems, and when I mentioned the emergency line being down, she laughed and thought it was pretty funny. Um. No. Not funny.

I told her that I would be at school and then work, but the maintenance guy could go in to work on the pipes. When I came home from work, it was pretty obvious someone had been into my house, but there was still a leak. The crawl space panel was not moved back into place, so now there is a lot of gross dust, insulation, bugs and who knows what else all over my floor. And my apartment smells like mildew. The stuff on my desk had been messed with, so the guy took the time to realize he couldn’t do anything and poked around.

There is a crack in the ceiling now plus two more leaky spots. The water is also running down the walls. My mattress is ruined and is going to have to be thrown away. There’s so much water that I’ve had to put pans under my bed since it’s soaked through the mattress. Gross. And I have to sleep on the floor.

I tried calling the emergency line again– I got the new number, it’s a pager… who has pagers! As of publication, it has been 4 hours since I called and no return call has been made. It’s a really efficient system, clearly.

So my friend Cameron came over to see if he could figure out a way to do something to stop the flow til the guy comes back out (maybe?). But as soon as he walked in, Cameron told me my ceiling was buckling under the massive amounts of water. So there’s really nothing I can do but move out since they would have redo the entire ceiling.

All I wanted to do last night was read, go for a run and be in bed by 10.

Quote of the day: By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. – Oscar Wilde

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by kathleen erin. kathleen erin said: Day Five: My roof is leaking. https://kathleenblogs.wordpress.com/2010/04/15/my-roof-is-leaking/ […]

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