Kathleen Blogs

Post-Graduation Job

Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on May 30, 2011

Hello, readers! It’s been awhile, I know. I always promise you I’m going to pay attention to you and write you stories and then I never do.

But let me tell you what’s going on now.

So I graduated from college and I moved to New Jersey to accept an internship in New York City. The internship is with a comedian currently doing a one-man show at the Barrow Street Theater called “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend.” Here’s a really high quality picture of the shirt you should buy when you come see it:

Yeah, I know. It’s awesome. I’ll be the one you buy it from, so just look for me.

I got the position out of pure luck and happenstance. It all happened because of The Cluster, my college paper. I work as a production assistant now and it’s really interesting, fun and is just something I enjoy doing. It’s a good start to my adventures in being the not-famous Tina Fey.

Basically I’m the show’s intern, so I do the general errands, sell merchandise and help set up the show. I’m going to learn sound next week, I think. Daunting. I set up the stage, which means that I move the stool to its mark and then put a string to the projector screen into a paper clip. Yeah. Pretty important. (Not sarcasm, they’re the show’s two props). I also help with light and sound checks, but I don’t know enough about either one to “run” them on my own. Maybe in a couple weeks.

Anyway, it’s been a lot of fun. Mike’s really great and so is the rest of the team. They’re all really nice and patient with me when I’m confused or nervous.

One funny story is that when I met Mike for the first time in the green room, he was really distracted: he had just come from some benefit, he was on the phone and was running behind. A little earlier, I had been sent down there to find a flashlight but I couldn’t. It was my first day and I was so scared everyone was going to be mad at me, so I was freaking out. I heard Mike’s voice coming down the stairs and I was in his dressing room. Which I thought might be awkward, so to alleviate that awkwardness I ran out into the middle of the green room and just stood there, doing nothing. When Mike and the producer opened the door, the producer introduced us and the distracted Mike said hello and I just immediately went, “I couldn’t find the flashlight. I’m sorry. I found a broken one, but I don’t know enough about flashlights to fix it.” And the producer was like, “It’s fine,” in this really confused (but kind of amused) way.

And that was how I met Mike again. (We met briefly in Atlanta back in November, but it was just as rushed).

But now everything’s cool, and I’m getting more confident as it goes along. It’s interesting to see who comes to see the show – and I’ve seen the show seven times and I’m still cracking up. It’s hilarious. Mike’s a great comedian. I’m not just saying that. I’ve been a fan for awhile.

Come see the show.

I’ll try to write some more stories about my internship here when I think of them or as they happen.

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  1. Kim said, on May 31, 2011 at 5:16 am

    I AM SO HAPPY AND PROUD AND JEALOUS OF YOU!!!!! I’ve said this 800 times already, buuuuuuut it bears repeating. Forever and ever. Amen.

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