Kathleen Blogs

Nice stories.

Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on May 1, 2010

“She asked me if she could help me with anything, and I thought, ‘Oh, you’re exactly what I’ve been looking for.’”

—- Jason Schwartzman on when he met his wife for the first time at the clothing store she was managing.

I think it’s incredibly sweet and I honestly believe that’s what he thought.

Another story I really enjoy is one my AP Art History teacher told me in high school. He was one of my favorite teachers too.

“My wife and I were dating while we were in school, but all of her friends thought I was a grease man since my fingers were always covered with charcoal and paint.”

I don’t know why I like it so much. Maybe because Dr. D was so clearly an artist to me, or because the fact was that he was something contradictory to what they thought. But I still like it a lot.

Quote of the Day: “To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world… If you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life.” – The Fox, The Little Prince

Sex and the City

Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 29, 2010

I will admit it—before last week, I had never seen a complete episode of Sex and the City. It’s not even that I wasn’t allowed to watch it, I just had no desire to even bother with it.

However, my journalism group consists of four people, and three of these people really like the show. Since I have a lot of work to do soon, I naturally started watching the show.

It’s mindless, it’s  funny, but it’s not hard-hitting. Or maybe it was when it was originally on—I’m sure there is some importance somewhere. Maybe.

And maybe I’m writing this blog because I’m not happy with the result of which character I “am,” but I’m presenting it under the guise of an actual issue concerning the show. Or maybe I’m bitter because I know my life as a journalist in New York will not be as easy and as glamorous as Carrie’s is—no one invites journalists to parties, and journalists don’t write only one article a week. I don’t know. But what I do know is that people who watch the show are supposed to identify with one character and then match their friends to the others. Okay, fine. That’s a pretty standard thing to do with television—my group of friends line up with How I Met Your Mother. I’m Marshall.

But according to Sex and the City, I’m Miranda. The stuffy, uppity lawyer who doesn’t know how to actually interact with people. And no one wants to be her because she’s more masculine with her clothing and just is not as obviously pretty as the others. Maybe I’m not seeing myself correctly though, and maybe I really am like her.

But then I was thinking—why are there only four archetypes for women? And why are these four such weak characters? Three of these women say they’re strong, independent feminists, but will drop anything for a man.

Carrie, a sex columnist whose weekly article supplies her with enough income to live comfortably in New York with some very expensive shoes, is self-centered and self-destructive. She takes everything a man, namely Big, does as some kind of hidden message or insult, and has to analyze it immediately. She constantly lies to men about herself, and then she tries to change herself so that she fits into the man’s mold. Yeah, that’s really independent. And then, as soon as the man leaves, she falls apart. When he returns, she allows him back into her life, willing to be his mistress, mulling over guilty feelings in bed before ignoring them again, settling into a routine that a man expects from her.

Miranda, like I said before, is a lawyer who can’t live with another person and cannot be intimate with anyone past a few weeks. I don’t think there is anything wrong with being alone, but she just complains about it and how people judge her for not being married yet. She likes cats, and I think that in and of itself proves I am not Miranda. She tries to overcompensate for her being a woman with a masculine haircut, almost no makeup and suits that don’t flatter her. She is obsessed with being seen as being equal to a man, but like Carrie, she falls apart just as quickly . She’s obsessed with being with someone, so she drops all of her beliefs the moment she has a man.

Samantha is a PR agent who is addicted to sex. Somehow, she doesn’t have an STD. I don’t really have anything to say about her except that she stays consistent in the fact she wants to have sex all the time.

Charlotte is a WASP, and she knows it. Her views are very old-fashioned—the man should make more money so he feels good, and men should ask women out.  She is presented as being innocent, but she still is obsessed with sex but keeps it classy by not sleeping with someone til the third date. She rarely asserts a real opinion. She also changes herself for men—like pretending to be 27 or considering a threesome just to make her boyfriend happy.

It boils down to the fact these women aren’t role models, they aren’t progessive and they don’t represent any group of friends in the world. It’s easy to find similar traits in basic and generic characters. It’s like reading a horoscope—you look for what you want to see.

Also, the way they treat sex on the show is just ridiculous. Every episode, they’re sleeping with someone different. Taking it slow means that they don’t sleep together until the second week—and then it’s not weird to say “I love you.” It’s okay to sleep around because you might just end up with the person you’re supposed to be with. And if you don’t have sex constantly, you’re weird. I don’t think that’s really a strong message to send out, especially to a younger demographic who watches the show (and will probably see the movie, given Miley Cyrus’ role in it).

The women are defined by their sexuality and not their personalities. I don’t think that makes for a unique or independent story, but rather it makes some drivel for Sarah Jessica Parker to explain in a voiceover.

Quote of the Day: There are many Beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.Little Women, Louisa May Alcott 


Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 25, 2010

There is this whole sick movement and mentality called “Thinspiration.” Thinspiration combines “Thin” and “Inspiration.” For inspiration, girls look at pictures of skeletal models. Thinspiration role models are ones who have had a “successful” weight loss. Ideal models are Kate Moss, Mary-Kate Olsen and Nicole Richie.

Girls want to be just thin enough to be alive. And being so scarily skinny will allow them to live so that they can be envied.

On top of  Thinspiration blogs and tips, there are Pro-Anorexia Web sites. They say that Anorexia is better than Bulimia. To help conquer bingeing and purging, girls are supposed to keep a journal of exercise routines, and when they want to eat and/or purge, the girls are supposed to punch themselves in the stomach and then write down what made them want to eat. The mantra is “My life is better without bulimia, my life is better with Anorexia!” Girls are also supposed to only eat under 200 calories a day. But if they eat over 400, they should purge and/or exercise at least for two hours to “punish themselves.”

To fight the urges to binge, scrapbooks and journals are supposed to be filled with pictures of not only skinny models, but “fat” women. I don’t know what a “fat” woman consists of, but I suspect it’s any woman whose ribs aren’t showing.

The sites I have looked at in researching this article say that “human bodies adapt amazingly well to a lack of food [… and] can survive without food up to 50-75 days.” To people who follow these Web sites and blogs, the only way to be attractive is to have their bones sticking out.

The “Tips” sections of these Web sites begin with healthy and innocent enough advice: drink a lot of water, use smaller plates and don’t eat out of bags, have goals and take vitamins. But then the tips continue with things like “eat ice when you’re hungry so you trick your body into thinking its full without the calories” and “do aerobics til you faint.” This section also tells girls how to hide their eating disorder from their parents by making food then throwing it away, but leaving the dishes out so it looked like they ate, or saying they’re going to eat at a friend’s house and then going for a walk so they burn calories while their parents think they’re eating. Tip 26 says, “Get out of the house! If you’re not sitting around, then people can’t give you shit about not eating.”

All the sites are distorted and perverted “advice” to help girls be disgustingly thin. At first, I couldn’t understand why girls thought this was attractive, or why they were even thinking they had to be this skinny. But then I realized all the famous women, women who are revered for being so beautiful, are all skinny and a lot of them have lost a substantial amount of weight since they had entered the spotlight.

And it’s not even a modern concept. While the stars of the early and glamourous Hollywood era are all hailed for their natural beauty, they had the same pressures actresses do today, it was just more private, less publicized. Judy Garland, one of the most beautiful stars in history, was told she was fat from the day she began working at MGM. She had to wear corsets and became addicted to diet pills. Even her face wasn’t right, and the make-up people put putty on the bridge of her nose so it would be “right.”

It’s horrible that girls have to feel defined by their weight and how it affects their physical appearance. It’s a whole mentality that people have– and ironically, the United States is the country most obsessed with being skinny, but it’s the fattest nation in the world.

I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with being healthy, and subsequently thin through that (thin meaning in shape and an appropriate weight, and not a skeleton), but I do find a problem with girls starving themselves. It’s natural for women to have curves, and I don’t know when or how that became offensive.

And that’s where my favorite comes in: Christina Hendricks. She’s not the stereotypical Hollywood stick. But she’s still beautiful, and she’s still comfortable with herself. And in no way is she fat; she’s curvy and she dresses accordingly. Even though I hate the Esquire cover, I think it’s still notable that she has been named as the most beautiful woman alive. And not only in a men’s magazine, but InStyle named her “Woman of the Year.”

At the Golden Globes, Hendricks looked amazing. And then the next day, some fashion blog ran a distorted photo of her that stretched her out horizontally with the caption, “You don’t put a big girl in a big dress.”

Here’s what Hendricks looked like at the Golden Globes.

She’s not “a big girl” at all. She’s a size 8, which is smaller than the average American woman, thank you very much. Also, I’m not ashamed to admit I have a photo of her from this night saved onto my desktop labelled “Aspirations.”

And the thing about Hendricks isn’t that she’s “voluptuously beautiful,” or any other different strain of beautiful from women whose intake of calories is approximately equal to their desired weight. She’s normal beautiful. She’s regular beautiful. Period.

But I have the feeling that Christina Hendricks’ picture, one that is undistorted, is probably inside some Thinspiration scrapbook with a big black X on it with “FATTIE” written under it. I really hate to think that. What’s worse is that the girls who run and go to these sites are encouraged to believe someone like Hendricks is fat because bloggers and celebrity journalists (a phrase loosely used) say she is fat and say that her “ass is as big as a holiday ham.” So how can these girls with serious body issues get better if the media is telling them that being normal is disgusting?

Quote of the Day: Far better than any dream girl is one of flesh and blood. One warm and caring, and right before your eyes. – Grimsby, The Little Mermaid


Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 22, 2010

“In Greek mythology, the Titans were greater even than the gods. They ruled their universe with absolute power. Well that football field out there, that’s our universe. Let’s rule it like Titans.”

Remember the Titans

I saw this on someone’s Facebook status and almost commented. But I didn’t want to get tons of pointless notifications of follow-up comments. I don’t even talk to this person anymore.

Anyway, the problem with this speech is that the Titans were defeated– by the gods.

If I were on that football team, I would not have felt inspired.

I will do better blogs once this week is over. I’m trying to find interesting things to write about and maybe review why I like certain books or movies. I’m not sure. This week is just super hectic for me.

Tomorrow’s should be much longer and much more educational.

Quote of the Day: Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten- G.K. Chesterton

I don’t have a title

Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 21, 2010

I want to use this blog to practice writing for an audience because usually I have to write for professors. And then I get lazy on the Internet. I have to find the middle, I guess.

I tried to find something I could do a write up about, but nothing really grabbed my interest. Is that bad? Oops.

Mad Men comes back July 25. I’m so excited. You don’t even know.

I’m sitting in the basement, next to the treadmill, and thinking about going upstairs to get a snack. I am downright American.

I’m ready for school to be over. Over in the sense that I don’t have to write the papers. Blegh.

My article for Investigative Reporting is going to be about the Opera House and the trapdoors that were built for Houdini. Isn’t that the coolest thing ever??? The guy hasn’t called me back yet, so I’ll have to actually drive there on Thursday. I want to see if I can use the trapdoor.

This post is nonsense.

Quote of the Day: From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.– Groucho Marx

Fall Semester- Senior Year

Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 20, 2010

This is my fall semester for my senior year.

I don’t really have anything else to say.

Christina Hendricks’ ‘Esquire’ cover

Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 19, 2010

Christina Hendricks is definitely a bombshell, no denying. I feel like this cover just… I don’t know, it goes against everything she’s been saying about how comfortable she is with being herself. You and I know that she’s nowhere near fat, but since she’s not a stick, she’s considered this curvycurvy woman in Hollywood. Fine, whatever. But I don’t think a woman with such exaggerated curves is what it should take for natural women’s bodies to be acceptable.

Anyway. Back on point. This cover is just ridiculous. Hendricks has always said that she’s comfortable with who she is, but this is just exploiting her chest and ignoring the rest. Seriously, where was the first place you looked? Yeah.

It just doesn’t look like her. And she’s making that stupid “sexy face” that seems to be all the rage now. It’s not attractive, it’s just dumb. But nearly every magazine features covers and/or spreads with women doing this face. I get its idea, but it just… is not attractive.

I just can’t get over how this doesn’t look like her. It looks like Julianne Moore’s face on Hendricks’ body.

I guess I’m really upset about it because I really like Hendricks. (Even if she is a fake redhead). Even though I’m not lucky enough to have her skin or wardrobe, we do have similar body types (minus the fact I’m way shorter), and if she can handle it and look good, then so can I. I know that’s lame and superficial, but it’s true. I just really like her.

Plus, that picture has been photoshopped to death.

Hendricks did this cover for New York Magazine a little while ago, and it’s much more attractive. I mean, yeah, she’s in underwear and she has super long extensions, but it’s actually her face and she’s not making that ridiculous expression. She looks like herself, and she looks pretty.

I guess my biggest issue with the cover is that Hendricks is so naturally pretty that she doesn’t have to do pictures like that. I know that she’s trying to be sexy and that sex sells, but isn’t she naturally attractive? I don’t know. It just makes me uncomfortable and sad.

And I know the magazines are aimed at two different demographics … but honestly, the New York Magazine one is just so much more attractive to me. But I guess I’m not a guy, and that probably affects it.

See?? SO PRETTY. Without Photoshop!!

Sometimes I try to dress up like Hendricks/Joan. (She is still so much more attractive in that Entertainment Weekly cover than the Esquire one. sldkjfsd).

Okay. This was a photo-heavy blog. Sorry.

Quote of the Day: “Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead.” -Lucille Ball

Oh, right.

Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 18, 2010

I didn’t forget about this, I just didn’t have Internet for awhile. Promise.

Anyway, I’ve moved to Kayleigh’s house. It worked out really well, and I’m excited to live with her. I have my own room and I’m still hanging up pictures. I’ve thrown a lot of clothes and stuff away.

When we went back to the apartment to finish packing up, there was another large crack in the ceiling. It was right by the paint line so it’s probably the previous damage that they covered up but didn’t fix. The place also smelled like mold and mildew. I could smell it from my car when I pulled up. Even with the door open for two hours, the smell was still overwhelming.

I had to throw away my mattress, my box spring, my foam Tempur-pedic mattress and everything that had been under my bed. And then just other little stuff that had been damaged. I don’t think my clothes smell like my apartment did, but I might wash everything just in case. Anyway, I had to throw away a lot of expensive things and the realtors refuse to at least return my rent. So, we’re going to handle that. Don’t worry though, they’re “really sorry.” I will try to post pictures today or tomorrow.

Thursday night, I went to Taking Back the Night, an event that raises awareness about abuse and sexual assault. A lot of victims shared their stories, and it was just really upsetting to hear about how many victims were afraid to share their stories and then were ignored.

After that, Kayleigh, Amy and I went out for cocktails (and that resulted in the post below).

This was after a few cocktails, but I’m sure you can’t tell.

Anyway, I’ve been making myself at home at Kayleigh’s and we are currently watching “16 and Pregnant.” Worst/best show ever. The boys are so terrible and the girls are just idiots. Last night we watched (500) Days of Summer and Demetri Martin: Person. I think we are going to watch some top-notch film tonight– and by that, I mean The Lizzie McGuire Movie or 17 Again. Don’t judge, those are awesome movies.

Justin is peer-pressuring me into posting two more blogs tonight. I might. I do not know yet. Whateva!

Quote of the day: One of the new things people began to find out in the last century was that thoughts–just mere thoughts–are as powerful as electric batteries–as good for one as sunlight is, or as bad for one as poison. – Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden


Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 16, 2010

Sooo, I don’t really have anything insightful to say. It is 2:11 and I just got home from a full night of drinking. I do not know how I am typing coherently right now. Thanks, spell check!!!!!!

Ummm, I had fun with Kayleigh and Amy. We played the interview game and we got to know each other better. I like my friends. Honestly, Kayleigh and Amy are probably the only reason I stayed at Mercer. I hate everything else about it.  I am ready to graduate.

The leak is fixed!!! But I am still moving to Kayleigh’s on Saturday, which I am excited about. That will be fun to live with my best friend, and we are going to live in New York together after graduation. Yay.

Ummm. Yeah.

I saw three of my freshmen that I taught last semester in the bar a little while ago. It makes me feel weird. Whateva!

Quote of the Day: The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking. — A . A. Milne

My roof is leaking.

Posted in Uncategorized by kathleenblogs on April 15, 2010

This post is really whiney and certainly not insightful.

Yesterday, I came home from classes and took a nap for a couple of hours before work, and when I returned four hours later, there was a leak directly above my bed. My computer was a little wet, but it still works fine due to some luck that I placed it further down my bed than I normally do.

This is an issue though, so I called the emergency number for my landlord only to discover it’s been disconnected. Awesome. I called my dad and he came down to see if there was anything he could do to try to at least stem the water flow. There wasn’t.

I woke up early this morning and called the business line about 15 times and left a ton of messages, but I still hadn’t heard back from anyone by 11:00, so I went to the office and finally found someone. I told her all the problems, and when I mentioned the emergency line being down, she laughed and thought it was pretty funny. Um. No. Not funny.

I told her that I would be at school and then work, but the maintenance guy could go in to work on the pipes. When I came home from work, it was pretty obvious someone had been into my house, but there was still a leak. The crawl space panel was not moved back into place, so now there is a lot of gross dust, insulation, bugs and who knows what else all over my floor. And my apartment smells like mildew. The stuff on my desk had been messed with, so the guy took the time to realize he couldn’t do anything and poked around.

There is a crack in the ceiling now plus two more leaky spots. The water is also running down the walls. My mattress is ruined and is going to have to be thrown away. There’s so much water that I’ve had to put pans under my bed since it’s soaked through the mattress. Gross. And I have to sleep on the floor.

I tried calling the emergency line again– I got the new number, it’s a pager… who has pagers! As of publication, it has been 4 hours since I called and no return call has been made. It’s a really efficient system, clearly.

So my friend Cameron came over to see if he could figure out a way to do something to stop the flow til the guy comes back out (maybe?). But as soon as he walked in, Cameron told me my ceiling was buckling under the massive amounts of water. So there’s really nothing I can do but move out since they would have redo the entire ceiling.

All I wanted to do last night was read, go for a run and be in bed by 10.

Quote of the day: By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. – Oscar Wilde